Argos OnBoard for KIP tracks everything directly from the printer’s internal controller. There’s no question about where it came from. If it comes out of the printer (or is scanned in), Argos knows who printed it, how many pages, total square footage, the size, and more.
Lock Down Your KIP
Argos OnBoard for KIP syncs your active user list with your KIP controller so every user in the system can log in to make copies, scans or reprints directly from the panel.
Print the Way You Want
There are many ways to print to a KIP: Through Windows/Mac drivers, or plot submission tools like System K, KIP Print, PowerPrint Request, PrintNET, Cloud Print and more. Argos doesn’t care how you print – if paper comes out of the plotter, we track it. We’ll even sync a user list to KIP’s plot submission tools like Request and PrintNET.
• Tracks print, copy, and scan activity
• Compatible with PowerPrint Request, KIP Print and more
Supported Printers
Compatible KIP printer
KIP Accounting Center
650, 660, 770, 850, 860, 870, 880, 890, 940, 970, 980, 990
3000, 3100, 5000, 7100, 7170, 7171, 7172, 7570, 7572, 7574, 7580, 7582, 7584, 7700, 7900, 7970, 7972, 7974, 7982, 7984, 9900
Color 80